Feng Shui and Urban Planning. Episode 1 – Any connection?

“Urban planning refers to all of the sciences, techniques and art forms used to organize and lay out urban spaces in ways that ensure the welfare and social interaction of its inhabitants while preserving the environment.” (Source: wikipedia.org/wiki/Urbanisme)

Therefore, the planning and development of an urban area require that many parameters be taken into account, such as the shapes of buildings, colours, sizes, green spaces, bodies of water and flows of movement.

Feng Shui refers to the art and technique used to plan and lay out a given site at a calculated time and in such a way as to improve the daily life of its occupants. This time-honoured discipline shows how space and time (junctures, seasons) are linked to our lifestyles and behaviours.

It wisely puts to use the permanent energetic interaction between the sky, the earth and human beings, in order to ensure an optimal quality of life. Its techniques revolve around a thorough interpretation of nature and a close compliance with its rules and principles.

Urban planning and Feng Shui, as we can see, both focus on the connection between people and their environment. Their purpose is to (more…)