Directed by Julia Dordel and Guido Tölke, the intelligence of the trees delves into the science and energetics which underlie the kingdom of plants. Our recent discoveries of the chief mechanisms of plant life have enabled us to unearth the hidden realities of our natural environment.

This documentary film gives us a unique opportunity to understand the basic rules of Feng Shui and the quintessence of a harmonious, healthy and prosperous life.

1: “Green” means life

Abundance stems from a rich soil. Trees are able to retain the water which feeds and fertilizes the soil. Without the capacity that trees have to hold back water and cool the atmosphere, no successful development would be possible.

2: Nothing functions in an entirely independent way. All natural elements interact with one another. Space is not empty.

The ability that trees have for communication, as well as the sounds and reactions which plants are capable of, testify to the organization and perpetual interaction of nature.

In Feng Shui language, a slender tree belongs to the wood element. The four natural energies – fire, earth, metal and water – are also taken into account. Feng Shui’s basic tenets rest on the understanding of these five elements and the related yin-yang concept. All geomagnetic sectors stemming from these energies have a clear influence on human life.

3: Energy follows form, and life follows energy.

In the documentary, a liana clinging to a tree mimics the shape of this tree’s leaves. The liana coalesces with the tree, the shape of which reflects the energy that characterizes its species. Influenced by the tree’s energy, the liana emulates its image.

Feng Shui heightens our awareness of the shapes that surround us, for these reflect the quality of a given space. Through these shapes, the life of its occupants is impacted on by the energy of the premises. By changing the shapes within a space, our destiny is also changed.

4: Living in association with the natural environment

In cities, green spaces are small, tarmacked areas take up a lot of space, high-rises mask the sky. The view is obstructed, soils no longer breathe, we are no longer connected with the sky. But the current trend is to make cities greener with plant-covered walls and roofs, and the incorporation of more parks and gardens in urban projects.

The need to reconnect with nature regains momentum. Why is it so?

Feng Shui tells us about the “three assets”: the energy of the earth, that of the sky, and that of human beings. A balanced, harmonious and healthy life can only be ensured through a connection with nature and a global view of the environment. Earth, Sky and Man have to be taken as a whole. In the long run, dissociating human beings from the earth and from the sky can only lead to an impasse.

5: The earth and the sky influence our lives… A tribute to the sky and its spiritual force.

The documentary tells us that, according to Indian tradition, the Deva deity must bless the medicinal plant in order to ensure its healing properties. Simply put: an unblessed plant may not be effective.

Feng Shui expounds the permanent influences which the earth and sky have on living beings. “Sky” has to be understood here as both the flow of time (the cycle of the seasons impacting on the state of the earth and human beings) and the spiritual forces.

Article written by Céline Speranza – Feng Shui counselling and training –