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30Mar 2020

Urban Feng Shui : Improving our Neighbourhoods


When trying to improve a living situation, we spare no efforts and use our resources and knowledge. We sometimes seek external guidance from specialists, and mainly focus on our own strengths and plans of action. We resort to human stamina.

Feng Shui is termed HAM YUE, which means “investigating, studying the Heavens and the Earth, gazing up at the stars and, from the top of a mountain, looking down towards the ground.

The key is to understand how these two forces amalgamate

and how they influence our environment as well as our lives.

Thus, in order to properly lay out a given space for the benefit of its occupants, (more…)

10Feb 2020

Urban Feng Shui can enhance neighbourhoods


The techniques used by the pre-eminent Imperial Chue-Style Feng Shui ® can efficiently organize large spaces.

We naturally follow energy, and should gain the best possible insight into it.

Calculations allow us to identify the spaces where living conditions are best, as well as those which, on the contrary, are troublesome and unfavourable.

The diagnosis will be followed by recommendations related to the configuration of the premises.

Our environment has an impact on all of us. Reorganizing a given space can often improve unsatisfactory living conditions.

6Jan 2020

Feng Shui helping urban designers


After analyzing a living space, urban Feng Shui can advise on the flows of movement, orientations, shapes and proportions that will be best for its future buildings.

The Feng Shui recommendations help city planners uphold their own choices, and thus guarantee the successful development of housing estates offering a good quality of life, of a good urban sustainable life.

Here, by matching constraints and requirements with all the applicable Feng Shui rules, calculations and observations will result in optimal configurations.

17Dec 2019

Feng Shui as a way to enhance business activity


Feng Shui is the medicine of human habitat. To be successful, business concerns must provide to their personnel expanses which take into account, when being laid out, the quality of the energy of both the staff and the working space.

Calculations and observations aim here at improving the turnover. The company manager makes better decisions, points of contention are resolved, business opportunities arise, and the new clients and customers are more reliable.

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