A home is a living entity.
For its occupants to blossom,
it must breathe and be taken care of.
We will advise you on where to best locate your future home, or on how to reorganize your current place of abode. Harmonize your gardens, balconies and terraces.
The diagnosis will be made after a series of interviews, measurements and space analyses. Moreover, recommendations on interior and exterior planning will be offered.
You will also be advised on the best directions, flows of movement and optimal room assignments. Special attention will be paid to furniture positioning and to colour and shape selection.
Uptemiz resorts to the Compass and Form techniques. The Chinese horoscope is cast in order to connect the space with its occupants, thus optimizing the Feng Shui local implementation.
Feng Shui has proven to be equally effective on small and large areas.
Special attention has to be paid to the home’s garden and surroundings. Recommendations will be made on the general layout of the garden, the best choice of colours, the flows of movement, the design and orientation of the swimming pool and other bodies of water.
For your future home, suggestions will be made regarding the optimal location of the house, its entrance and interior, and the general layout of the garden.
Request an assessment of your home, inside and around:
- Present your request;
- Provide the current layout of the premises (with the north clearly pointed to);
- Give the dates of birth of each of the individuals to be reckoned with in the survey.
Any other analysis will be conducted in accordance with the context, the dwelling and its characteristics.