Setting your sights on success?
A well laid-out space will result in increased efficiency, productivity,
concentration, cooperation and well-being


The diagnosis is made after a proper interview and a series of measurements and analyses. Then, advice is given on both interior and exterior space planning, while recommendations are made on the flows of movement. A judicious selection of shapes, colours and sizes will stimulate the premises in a positive way.

Uptemiz resorts to the Compass and Form techniques. The Chinese horoscope is cast in order to connect the space with its occupants, thus optimizing the Feng Shui local implementation.

For your entreprise:

Every space actually possesses its own natural qualities, and these are related to the different activities of your enterprise.

Based on meticulous calculations, the Feng Shui assessment will determine where your firm’s departments and facilities should optimally be located: management, production, storage, archives, reception desk, lunch and coffee break space, etc.

For your store or trade venture:

Maintain and improve your client and customer traffic. Inspire and motivate your employees.

Uptemiz pays special attention to the location of the cash and reception desks, coffee break space, and storage and production areas.

Recommendations will also be made for your outdoor spaces.


By providing you with useful and relevant information, Uptemiz will help you to better address and understand your collaborators, thus giving you an edge in guidance and management.

Putting together the best teams stems from being able to identify the best affinities.

Tasks and assignments are fulfilled in an optimal and congenial working atmosphere.

The stages of the consultation:

All other recommendations will be given according to the nature of your request and the characteristics of the premises.